
N26 River Moy Bridge Beam Installation

3rd November 2021

The video shows the installation of the four main structural steel beams of the new River Moy Bridge on the N26 Realignment project at Swinford Co Mayo in October 2021. The beams are 85m long and 3.30m high and were installed over 2 lifts, each lift was 270t.

The River Moy Bridge is a key aspect of the N26 realignment project is the construction of a new bridge over the environmentally sensitive River Moy Special Area of Conservation (SAC) to replace the existing stone arch bridge. It comprises a single span over the River Moy and therefore no in-stream works are required. The bridge is a steel composite beam structure with reinforced concrete abutments set back approximately 10m from the riverbanks. The span between supports is 83.1m.

Filed Under:   BAM Ireland

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