BAM takes home 2 awards at the ICE Awards 2020
16th November 2020

Innovation in Construction Award Winner 2020
7th November 2020
One of the often-overlooked consequences of transitioning to digital is that with the reduction of paper, there is the increased volume of digitized data and information available to use and manage.
Where information was previously lost through the cracks of the paper process, it is now retained, and this creates a new problem – which information is the most relevant right now!
BAM Ireland’s Digital Construction department partnered with software vendor Autodesk to address this problem on their construction projects, through Autodesk’s new Artificial Intelligence application “Construction IQ”.
Construction IQ looks at the interactions within the project such as how many snags have been raised and how much risk do they carry? Dash boarded results provide better understanding to the project team and allow them to respond appropriately.
From this pilot BAM Ireland found a 20% improvement for quality and safety responses, and found significant opportunities to improve their project execution and delivery.
BAM are delighted to have been awarded in the category of ‘Innovation in the Construction Process’ for our implementation of AI to construction by our Digital Construction team.