- South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust
- Dundonald, Co Down
- Architect: Avanti Architects Kennedy Fitzgerald Architects, Structural Engineer: Morgan Sindall AECOM, Quantity Surveyor: Northcroft
- August 2016
The Inpatient Ward Block (IWB) marked the beginning of the extensive Phase B Redevelopment Programme at the Ulster Hospital. Graham-BAM Healthcare commenced work in May 2013 on Phase B2 to provide a new generic ward block to include:
- Inpatient accommodation – 12 wards, each with 24 single en-suite bedrooms
- 4 Day Surgery Theatre Suites
- 3 Endoscopy Suites
- Cardiac Catheterisation Suite
- Pharmacy
- Redevelopment of the Critical Care Unit
- Communication links to existing hospital buildings
This is our first building project in Northern Ireland. The total footprint of this phase of the development is 30,000 m2 internal floor area including communication and plant. Contract duration was 38 months.
The work is part of an overall framework agreement with a total budget allocation of £230m over 4 years.