- Citywest Luas Ltd
- Citywest Dublin
- Mott McDonald Pettit
- July 2010
The project comprises an extension to the Dublin LUAS light rail system Red Line (A1). The extension is approximately 4.2 km in length and comprises a double track spur that will link up with the existing Red Line between the Belgard and Cookstown Stops. It will then run west through the associated junction and will follow the route of the proposed Embankment Road extension, along the greenfield reservation to the north of Cairnwood onto Ambervale, Belgard Green, Fettercairn (proposed stop) and Kilmartin. It will then cross the Outer Ring Road (ORR) before reaching Cheeverstown (proposed stop with Park and Ride). From here it will run adjacent to the Brookview and Ardmore housing estates and into the developing Citywest Campus (proposed stop). It will then cross the N82/CityWest road to Fortunestown (proposed stop) and continue along Fortunestown Lane to terminate at Saggart (proposed stop).
The Scope of the Works includes:
- 5 No. Tram Stops and Furniture and 1 No. Park and Ride;
- Approximately 4.2 km of Double Trackwork;
- Overhead Contact System (OCS) and Stray Current Earthing and Bonding;
- Earthworks;
- Drainage;
- Link Road Construction
- Park and Ride at Cheeverstown
- Utility Diversions;
- Public Lighting;
- Signalling;
- Ducts and Chambers;
- Boundary and Retaining Walls (1500m approx).