- Kildare County Council
- Athy, Kildare
- 2023
The Athy Distributor Road comprises 3.4km of new Arterial Link Street (Type 3 Single Carriageway) in a semi-urban environment, incorporating
the following elements:
- The provision of two new roundabouts, alterations to an existing roundabout and the provision of two new signalised cross-roads junctions;
- footway and cycleway provision of approximately 3.4km in length.
- The construction of an 80m single span steel composite structure over the River Barrow, which is designated as a Special Area of Conservation. The bridge comprises a braced pair of steel plates girders made composite with a precast concrete deck and piled foundation to eastern abutment.
- The construction of a two-span precast concrete infill deck type structure over a proposed CIE railway siding and the existing Dublin - Waterford Railway with piled foundations.
- Demolition of the existing Aughaboura Road bridge crossing the Dublin - Waterford railway;
- Refurbishment of the existing Railway bridge crossing the River Barrow to be re-purposed as a pedestrian cycle bridge.
- Liaison with Inland Fisheries Ireland, National Parks & Wildlife, Irish Rail, Iarnrod Eireann, Waterways Ireland;
- Working adjacent to and over a live railway and adjacent to and over the River Barrow, which is a navigable waterway at the crossing point