- Greenstar
- Coolbeg, Co. Wicklow
- SLR Consulting, Wiltshire
- December 2007
Construction of 5 No lined Cells included the following:
- 350,000m3 of earthworks excavation.
- Process (Screen) and lay 50,000m3 of boulder clay liner to Cells.
- Lay 50,000m2 of 2mm HDPE liner, geocomposite drainage membrane and geotextile.
- Install Pumped Sub Cell drainage system.
- Install Leachate drainage system to include 30,000 tonnes non calcareous drainstone.
- Construct Surface Water Storage Lagoon to include 7500m2 HDPE and Clay liner.
- Perimeter Fence - 4200lin.m.
- Construct access roads and tracks - 1500 lin.m