- Westmeath County Council
- Muillingar, Co Westmeath
- Clients Representatives: JB Barry; White Young Green
- December 2010
The works required under this contract were to be delivered on a Design, Build and Operate basis, with a contract period of 22 years.
The contract requires the initial design and build of the required works followed by the operation and maintenance of the facilities.
The contract provides for the construction of the following elements of the overall sewerage scheme:
- Upgrading of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant from 22,000 PE to 30,000 PE capacity on a short-term interim basis.
- Upgrading of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant to the ultimate 55,000 PE capacity.
- Construction of precast circular tanks and in-situ water retaining structures to facilitate the raw, primary and tertiary treatment process.
- Construction of a new access road to Wastewater Treatment Plant, along with associated services (including new watermain extension from Industrial Estate).
- Construction of new treated effluent outfall from Wastewater Treatment Plant.
- Construction of a 470m2 sludge treatment centre facility and a new sludge treatment facility of 110,000 PE for production of biosolids with capacity for accepting imported sludge.
- Construction of a main lift Pumping Station (Lynn Road) and storm storage tank measuring 26m dia. by 16m deep, with a capacity of 6,000m3.
- Construction of 230m of 1800mm dia. Interceptor Sewer along access road to new main lift Pumping Station (Lynn Road) using open cut and Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) method at a depth of 6 metres.
- Construction of associated rising mains from Lynn Road PS to Wastewater Treatment Works and emergency overflow pipeline (fields).
- Construction of new gravity sewer to a depth of 3 metres from lands northwest of Lynn Road PS to connect into Lynn Road PS.
- Construction of new 320m2 Accommodation Building in Cullionbeg, Mullingar.