- Irish Water
- County Kildare
- Structural Engineer:JB Barry & Partners
- December 2016
The works comprise the expansion of the existing Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) from a capacity of 80,000 Population Equivalent (PE), to a capacity of 130,000PE.
The expansion works comprised:
- New twin gravity sewer, to be constructed under the M7 motorway;
- Replacement / expansion of existing preliminary treatment process, comprising pumping, screening, grit removal and storm water storage;
- Expansion of primary sedimentation process;
- Conversion of existing advanced secondary treatment stage from existing batch process to a continuous flow process;
- Provision of tertiary filtration process;
- Expansion of existing sludge digestion and dewatering process; and
- Necessary refurbishment works.
The works also include the operation and maintenance of the facilities, during the construction phase and during an extensive 12 month proving test phase.